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Ivana Espinet

Asst Professor

Behavioral Sciences

Ivana Espinet is an Assistant Professor at Kingsborough Community College. She is a former project director for the CUNY New York State Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals (CUNY-NYSIEB) and a former NYC public school teacher. She is interested in the use of multimodal and collaborative methodologies to learn about emergent bilinguals in school and in out of school programs. 


EDC 200: Social Foundations of Education

EDC 2100: Social Sciences in Education

EDC 2400 Teaching Emergent Bilinguals

EDC 3100: Social Sciences in Childhood Education

EDC 90A4: Practicum in Teacher Development

EDC 9105: Supervised Instructional Experience in Education I



Ph.D. in Urban Education

CUNY, Graduate Center. June 2017.

Master of Philosophy in Urban Education

CUNY, Graduate Center. 2012.

Master of Arts in Instructional Media and Technology in Education

Teachers College, Columbia University. 1997-1999.



Book Chapter and Articles

Hunt V., Sánchez, M. & Espinet, I. (Forthcoming) Student inquiry into the language practices de sus comunidades: Rompiendo fronteras in a Dual Language Bilingual program.  In

Transformative Translanguaging Espacios in Bilingual Education: Latinx bilingual children rompiendo fronteras.  Sanchez, M. & Garcia, O. Eds.

Espinet, I., Sánchez, M.T., & Aponte, G. (2021) Creating Translanguaging Inquiry Spaces in Bilingual Classrooms. In Multilingual Learning and Language Supportive Pedagogies in Sub-Saharan Africa Students. Erling, E.J; Clegg, J., Rubagumya, C., Reilly, C. Eds. New York: Routledge.

Sanchez, M.T. & Espinet, I. (2021) Transforming our Classrooms to Embrace the Students’ Multilingualism: Translanguaging Stance and Transformative Pedagogy. In

Migration, Multilingualism and Education: Critical Perspectives on Inclusion. Latisha, A & Birte A. Eds.

Espinet, I., Aponte, G., & Sanchez, M.T., Figueroa, D. & Busone Rodriguez, A. (2020) Interrogating Language Ideologies in the Primary Grades: A community language inquiry unit. In Translanguaging and Transformative Teaching for Emergent Bilingual Students. CUNY-NYSIEB team Eds. New York: Routledge

Espinet, I. & Le, K. (2020). Hand in Hand: Parent Collaboration in the Classroom Context

 In In Translanguaging and Transformative Teaching for Emergent Bilingual Students. CUNY-NYSIEB team Eds. New York: Routledge

Aponte G., Espinet, I. & Seltzer,S. (2020) Fostering Bilingual Reading Identities in Dual Language Bilingual Classrooms In Translanguaging and Transformative Teaching for Emergent Bilingual Students. CUNY-NYSIEB team Eds. New York: Routledge

Espinet, I; Zaino, K & Demeroukas, M.  (2020) Translanguaging Narratives: Leveraging Students’ Linguistic and Multimodal Practices in an ENL classroom.  In In search of a language Pedagogical Paradigm, Daszkiewicz, M. & Dąbrowska, A. Eds. Krakóv: Impuls

Espinet I., Collins, B. & Ebe, A. (2018) “I’m Multilingual”: Leveraging Students’ Translanguaging Practices to Strengthen the School Community.  In Humanizing Schools for Multilingual Students: Transforming Literacies, Learning, and Lives. Lazar, M. & Ruggiano Schmidt, M. (Eds.) New York: Teachers College Press.

García, O., Espinet, I., & Hernández, L. (2013). Las paredes hablan en El Barrio: Mestizo Signs and Semiosis. Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, 135-152.

Espinet, I., K. Paron, L. Derstein, S. Hytte. (2011). Changing Hats:  From Practitioners to Practitioner-Researchers in Fisherkeller (ed.) International Perspectives in Youth Media: Cultures of Production & Education.  NY: Peter Lang Publishers, Inc.

Fusco, D. & Espinet, I. (2010). Shared Research Dialogue: One College’s

Model for Professional Development of Youth Practitioners Afterschool Matters, 10.


Topic Briefs and Resources for Teachers

Espinet, I. & Aponte, G. (2020) Developing Biliteracy in Dual Language Education Classrooms. (Topic Brief) New York, NY. CUNY-NY State Initiative for Emergent Bilinguals Available from

Seltzer, K. & Espinet, I. (2020) Developing Content-Area Literacy for Diverse ELLs/MLLs in Secondary Classrooms. (Topic Brief) New York, NY. CUNY-NY State Initiative for Emergent Bilinguals Available from

Espinet, I., Homonoff Woodley, H., & Ebe, A. (2019). Supporting Former Multilingual Learners/English Language Learners in New York State Who are Former Multilingual Learners/ English Language Learners. (Topic Brief). New York, NY: New York State Education Department Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages. Available from

Espinet, I., Auslander, L., & Pratt, E. (2019). Supporting Students with Interrupted/ Inconsistent Formal Education in New York State (Topic Brief) New York, NY: New York State Education Department Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages. Available from

Espinet, I & Aponte, G. (2019) Developing Biliteracy in Dual Language Classrooms Through Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Literature. New York, NY: New York State Education Department Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages. Available from:

Seltzer, K & Espinet, I. (2019) Using a Genre-Based, Multilingual Approach to Prepare for the English Language Arts regents Exams  New York, NY: New York State Education Department Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages. Available from: