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HyFlex Hybrid Classrooms

In a Hybrid class, online contact hours (synchronous* or asynchronous**) displaces some portion of the required contact hours that would normally take place in a scheduled in-person (face-to-face) class. Contact includes instruction, learning activities, and interactions (both student-student and student-instructor). A hybrid class is designed to integrate face-to-face and online activities so that they reinforce, complement, and elaborate one another, instead of treating the online component as an add-on or duplicate of what is taught in the classroom. Assignment deadlines and exams days/times are maintained and included on the class syllabus. All Inperson and synchronous online class meeting days/times must be listed in the schedule of classes for students.

What is HyFlex?

HyFlex combines the terms "hybrid" and "flexible" to denote a hybrid course with enhanced flexibility. This flexibility takes the form of choice in how students participate in the class to meet course learning goals. This course model intentionally builds options into the syllabus to accommodate the range of needs in the classroom. In most cases, students can attend a physical classroom, or participate remotely, in real-time, or “attend” asynchronously. The HyFlex approach enables the instructor to make the most of existing technologies to actively engage students agnostic of their physical location.

Why HyFlex at CUNY?

To expand access, enhance learning and accelerate success, in keeping with the mission of the University to “provide a public first-rate education to all students, regardless of means or background”, Chancellor Matos Rodriguez charged the Central Office to support campuses interested in pursuing HyFlex courses across the University in Spring 2021.

The ability to simultaneously deliver courses and/or programs in-person and online helps CUNY to ensure access, promotes participation among students, and insulates our colleges and schools from unanticipated disruptions like those caused by COVID-19.

Moreover, developing these capabilities also extends the reach of CUNY beyond the limitations of its physical campuses, and may be a tool that serves our mission and bottom-line moving forward.

What is the CUNY definition of HyFlex?

A HyFlex course provides multiple learning paths to give students choice in how to participate in class. The number of modalities available to students will vary from course to course, though generally includes in- person, synchronous online and asynchronous online. Students will be advised in the class about the choices they can make. HyFlex can function differently depending on discipline, class size and course learning goals. The purpose of this course design is to expand accessibility and be responsive to student needs by maximizing use of learning technologies.

What is the difference between Hybrid and HyFlex?

In a hybrid classroom, the instructor typically defines what class sessions are conducted in-person and what class sessions are conducted online. In a HyFlex classroom, the students have the choice to participate in a range of ways: attending an in-person class session, connecting virtually (remotely), or completing self-paced learning activities online (completely asynchronous). A HyFlex course is responsive to the needs of students by using multiple modalities to design learning paths, and utilizing a range of teaching technologies to engage students across modalities. Furthermore, a HyFlex course can facilitate learning while adhering to the safety and social distancing guidelines.

HyFlex Manual for Zoom