Workers' Compensation
Workers' Compensation Benefits If you have questions about Workers' Compensation Benefits, E-mail Nicole Case at All City University of New York employees are covered by Workers' Compensation benefits. Full-time as well as part-time employees are covered regardless of permanency or tenure status, and regardless of civil service classification. Please be aware that students, visitors, passers-by, vendors, children, spouses, and other relatives or family members are not covered through CUNY for Workers' Compensation benefits because such persons are not CUNY employees. The New York City Law Department, Workers' Compensation Division, serves as the insurance carrier for CUNY. Please follow these procedures for Workers' Compensation Benefits ALL ACCIDENTS MUST BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO:
You should report to the Health Services Office for an examination of your injury. Health Services will send a report of your injury to the Human Resources Office. Please visit the Human Resources Office (A-201) as soon as possible to provide additional information which will enable us to file the appropriate forms with our insurance carrier, The Workers' Compensation Division of the Law Department of the City of New York. You will be informed by the Workers' Compensation Division whether your case has been accepted or rejected. The Workers' Compensation Division will assign you a Carrier Case number. As soon as you receive the case number, please notify the Office of Human Resources. All parties who have treated you should enter your Carrier Case number and your Social Security number on all their bills. Their bills, together with the appropriate Workers' Compensation forms, should be sent directly to: NYC Law Department Important: Not all hospitals and/or doctors are willing to accept Workers' Compensation cases. Before you receive treatment, inform your health care provider that it is a Workers' Compensation case. Your health care provider will receive payment from the Workers' Compensation Division of the Law Department of the City of New York. NYS Compensation Board