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Parking Permit

Parking Permit Procedures/Regulations

The Department of Public Safety is responsible for the campus-parking program, which includes the registration of all faculty, staff, and student vehicles, and the enforcement of parking and traffic regulations.


Parking permits are sold to eligible personnel and students presenting a valid KCC identification card. However, in certain situations, further documentation will be required. The issuance of parking permits constitutes revocable permission to park a vehicle in the On-campus or Manhattan Beach lots. Parking permits are issued with the understanding that neither Kingsborough Community College nor The City University of New York assumes any liability whatsoever for any damage to the vehicle; breaking or entering the vehicle; theft from the vehicle; or from any other claim whatsoever with respect to said vehicle. The vehicle is brought onto the campus entirely at the owner’s risk. The issuance of a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space, but does provide the permit holder with the opportunity to park in authorized areas when there are available parking spaces.

Student Parking Rate is $66 per term

*Parking rates are prorated on a monthly basis*

ELIGIBILITY Faculty & staff members are allowed to purchase an on-campus parking permit upon presentation of a valid KCC identification card.


Students - On Campus Parking Permits:

The College, on a categorical basis, determines preliminary eligibility. Notification of preliminary eligibility is effected by the issuing office and/or mail. Access to the campus is via the North Gate (Shore Boulevard).

Eligible persons must possess a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and the required insurance coverage. Presentation of these documents is required upon request of College Public Safety personnel.

EXPIRATION Upon presentation of the aforementioned documentation and payment of the prescribed fee, a college permit is issued for the exclusive use of that person until the expiration date indicated thereon or revocation by the college, whichever is earlier.

SURRENDER The permit remains the property of the college and must be surrendered upon the demand of responsible college officials including but not limited to deans, the Business Manager, the Director of Public Safety, Public Safety supervisors, and Public Safety officers. Receipts will be issued to authorized permit holders upon confiscation.

REVOCATION The College reserves the right to revoke the permit in violation of regulations and subject to administrative action without refund of fee in all cases of unauthorized use and disqualification under the Traffic and Parking Regulations. If revoked, the permit issued must be returned to the Public Safety office.

The right is also reserved to revoke the permit and refund the fee on a prorated basis for the time unused when, in the opinion of the college, college-operating requirements so dictate.

PENALTIES The permit, being the property of the college, is considered an official document within the purview of the New York State Penal Law. The college may elect to prosecute instances of misuse and/or tampering through the courts in lieu of or in addition to college disciplinary proceedings and administrative actions. Thefts of permits may be prosecuted under the Law, as well as under college procedures.

Infractions of the Traffic and Parking Regulations will result in a warning/sticker. Continued violations will result in loss of parking privileges.


There is a replacement charge for any lost or stolen permit not accompanied by a police report.

Each person sold the use of a permit assumes the responsibility for safeguarding the permit and for reporting a missing/lost/stolen permit immediately to the Public Safety office. In the event the permit is lost, the fee will not be refunded. However, upon filing the proper paperwork in the Public Safety office you will be permitted to purchase a replacement permit. If you do not wish to replace the permit, the loss must still be reported to the Public Safety office since the permit may be found and may be used by the finder to attempt entry to the campus. If the permit is recovered, it will be returned to the original permit holder. If the permit was replaced, the replacement fee will be refunded and the permit holder will continue to use the replacement permit.

Furthermore, if there is no loss report filed, finding the permit in the possession of another will be taken as evidence that both the user and the original permit holder are in violation of regulations and subject to administrative action, legal action, or both.

In the event a permit is stolen, it must be reported by the owner to the Police Department and to the Public Safety office. Upon delivery of a Police Department Case Number, the subject will be issued a new permit upon payment of full face value. This payment is not intended as a punitive fee. It is not only the cost of clerical time in record alteration, posting the stolen number in the Public Safety booth, checking each entering number against the one posted, apprehending the user if one appears, as well as arrest and prosecution of the user. These precautions cannot be avoided regardless of their complexity and cost. We are obligated to protect the campus and once notified that a particular permit may be in the hands of an unauthorized person, we must attempt to intercept and to prosecute, when possible. These precautions are expensive and only partially defrayed be the fee applied here.

DISPLAY Parking permits must be visible at all times when a vehicle enters and parks on campus. The parking permit must be placed inside of the vehicle windshield on the lower corner of the front driver’s side next to the inspection and vehicle registration. Violation of this regulation may result in revocation of parking privileges.

TRANSFERABILITY Permits are issued for the use of a specific person and may not be transferred to, or used by, any other person. Violation of this regulation may result in revocation of parking privileges.


The following regulations are intended to provide a safe environment for all pedestrians and motorists operating vehicles on the Kingsborough Community College campus.

The rules and regulations stated herein are a part of the established regulations of Kingsborough Community College. Failure to adhere to the following rules and regulations may result in the revocation of campus driving/parking privileges.

1. Traffic Signals & Markings

  1. All STOP and YIELD signs and all other regulatory or directional signs are to be observed.
  2. All drivers must yield the right-of way to pedestrians in crosswalks.
  3. No person shall alter, deface, damage, knock down, or remove any control device, sign, or signal.

2. Speed Restrictions

The campus speed limit is ten (10) miles per hour, except where conditions indicate a slower speed.

3. Reckless Driving

The term “reckless driving” shall be defined to include, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Driving the automobile in a willful or negligent manner without having the car under control at a time when traffic conditions warrant and require a lower rate of speed and greater precaution to ensure the safety of others.
  2. Backing into a parking space or driving out of a parking space in a negligent manner where, under the circumstances, the safety and property of other persons are endangered.
  3. Unnecessary and loud blowing of horns, except where it is necessary for the safety and security of the persons driving near the automobile.
  4. Do not drive over any sidewalk; this will lead to suspension or revocation of your parking privileges.

4. Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs

Anyone who operates a vehicle on college property while under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be subject to arrest and prosecution.

5. Emergency Vehicles

Drivers must yield the right-of-way to authorized emergency vehicles

6. Accidents

The driver of any vehicle involved in an automobile accident on campus shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident and notify Public Safety. If the accident involves a collision with an unattended vehicle, the driver shall immediately stop and notify Public Safety.

  1. The parking and traffic regulations apply to motorcycles and bicycles in the same manner as they apply to other vehicles.
  2. Such vehicles will not be operated on sidewalks, walkways, lawn areas or other such areas, or other areas not open to all vehicles. These vehicles will travel in the same traffic lanes and in the same direction in which automobiles travel.

DO NOT park in Disabled or Medical spaces if you are not authorized to do so. A WHEELCHAIR painted in the parking spot designates disabled spaces. Parking in a disabled parking space without the appropriate parking permit could result in a summons issued by the New York City Police Department, which carries a monetary penalty.

DO NOT park in lanes or spaces that are marked Fire Lanes. Vehicles parking in Fire Lanes limit the access of emergency vehicles, such as fire trucks and ambulances.

DO NOT park your vehicle in spaces designated for specific college officials.

COMMERCIAL OR LIVERY PLATES park in a designated area (P-7 lot).

TAKE CARE to park your vehicle between designated parking lines; straddling a line will render the adjacent space useless.

DO NOT loiter in your vehicle once it is parked.

Do not leave your vehicle parked overnight on campus. 

In compliance with noise ordinance regulations, NO LOUD RADIO PLAYING is permitted in vehicles.

THE SPEED LIMIT on campus is 10 MPH. The speed limit will be strictly enforced.

Due to ongoing construction, parking and traffic patterns may change accordingly. SOME OR ALL VEHICLES MAY BE DIRECTED TO ALTERNATE PARKING AREAS.

NON-COMPLIANCE WITH PARKING SIGNS OR RECKLESS DRIVING will result in severe consequences. Following the aforementioned regulations greatly assists the Office of Public Safety in its endeavor to provide adequate parking and a safe environment to the college community.