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Installing Citrix App


Installing the Citrix Workspace App and Using the Remote Desktop Connection



  1.  Open your (Chrome) browser and go to
  2. Type your Username and Password: (always remember to use kb\ before your username) - kb\username  and password that you normally use to login to your Workstation.
  3. Click on "Detect Receiver". (If you have never installed the Citrix App before, you must download and install when it prompts after clicking detect receiver. Open the downloaded file accept the agreement license finish the installation.)
  4. On your browser that's already open click "Continue". (You will see alert message pop up immediately, you then click "Open Citrix Workspace Launcher")
  5. You are now logged in to your Citrix on your browser. (On the top you see two icons, "Home" and "Apps". Click on "Apps".)
  6. Now you see "Remote Desktop Connection" App - Click on the app to run it. (You will see alert message pop up once again, click "Open Citrix Workspace Launcher" again and Wait.)
  7. Citrix Workspace app will show another pop up message for security reason to Block or Permit use. Click on "Permit Use". (You may click on the check box underneath to remember your choice.)
  8. Now type your computer name in the box then click on "Connect" then type your password. (If you do not have the computer name, you may request it from OITS department.)